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Flyers 10- review place and direction
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"whistle" What does it mean in Vietnamese?
huýt sáo
"whisper" What does it mean?
thì thầm
The place that you can watch football match and see football players
a very tall modern building, usually in a city
small road
a building that have historical objects and old things, sometimes you can see bones and skeletons
​the capital city of England and the UK
a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in when you travel, and where you can sometimes eat meals
a building where fire engines are kept and where firefighters work and stay in the hours they are working
fire station
a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods are made using machines
the point, area, or line that is formed by the meeting of two lines, surfaces, roads, …
A school that students after the age of 16 study
An organization that people have the common interest, they meet regularly and take part in shared activities.
a shop where you can buy medicines, make-up, and sometimes other things
a large and big building, built in the past by a king or a rich person. King and Queen live inside
This is a road built over a river to allow people and cars to cross from one side to the other.
an organization or building where people and company can borrow money, send money…
a place where you can see a lot of planes. When you want to travel by planes, you will go there.