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War of 1812

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Francis Key famous for?
Writing "The Star-Spangled Banner"
What did the British destroy when they attacked Washington D.C.?
They burned the White house down.
were the Native Americans fighting against the Americans or British?
Americans (They were mad Americans were taking their land)
Who was Americas Commander in the Battle of New Orleans that would later become President of the U.S.?
General Andrew Jackson
What battle was the last battle of the War of 1812? (The War was technically over when this battle was fought)
Battle of New Orleans, 1815
What treaty ended the War pf 1812?
Treaty of Ghent, 1814
Who was president during the War of 1812?
James Madison
Who supported the Native Americans?
Who won the war?
There was not really a winner (tie)
What were westerners who supported the Idea of War?
War Hawks
What year was the War started?
What country was America fighting against?
were did most of the battles in the beginning of the war take place?
The sea (water)
Capturing sailors and forcing them to work for you. (the British did this to America)
American Navy commander who led America in the Battle of Lake Erie.
Oliver Hazard Perry
American Leader in the Battle of Tippecanoe.
William Henry Harrison
Native American Leader who wanted to unify the tribes.