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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I would rather I had better are followed by ger/inf/bare inf?
Bare infinitive
The verb encourage is followed by ger/inf/bare inf?
The verb Recall is followed by ger/inf/bare inf ?
Antonym for Fall behind
Keep up with ...
Synonym to Blame for is...
Accuse of...
The crime of getting money by deceiving people:
Guess the verb Regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.
Tend to
When someone's opinion is partly but not completely true you should say... I ____ __ _ _ _____, but I think ...
agree up to a point
Make a regret statement: You are complaining all the time! Stop it!
I wish you would stop complaining all the time!
Guess the phrasal verb: describing the main idea
come down to something
Guess the adjective: causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy, making you feel emotions
Without looking up name 2nd and 3rd forms of the verb LIE (position)
Lie - Lay - Lain
Guess the noun: A title of an article is...
a headline
Is this sentence correct? Don't phone me between 2 and 3 pm because I will have my guitar lesson
Don't phone me between 2 and 3 pm because I will be having my guitar lesson
Is this sentence corrrect? If this wasn’t such a terrible idea, we would get very rich last month.
If this wasn’t such a terrible idea, we would have got very rich last month.
Guess the adjective: existing for a long time, being well-known and successful
Is this sentence correct? If there will be sales soon, I’ll get them a really nice present.
If there are sales soon, I’ll get them a really nice present.