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MPYL3 Considetations for teaching writing

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In order to be effective peer reviewers, what form can they use? Explain
The Praise- Question- Polish form
The stages of Writing Workshop are.....
Brainstorming-drafting - peer reviewing and conferencing- revising- reviewing and conferencing- editing- publishing.
The goal guided writing is...
to help learners experience success while they also learn the relationship between their ideas, words, and writing.
What's the goal of controlled writing activities?
To have students practice writing the language with careful control (gap fill, change the tense)
Mention the 3 types of writing activities of the product-based approach
Controlled, guided and free activities.
This approach focuses on Fluency, encouraging children to write and express themselves freely, without too much worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation until the final stage of the process
process-based approach
This approach focuses on the process of writing
A process-based approach.
This approach focuses on the final product.
A product-based approach
This approach focuses on accuracy, providing controlled or guided activities to help chidren learn the basics of writing, working on spelling, grammar, and mechanics in a bottom.up fashion...
a product-based approach
What are the two major approaches to teaching writing?
1) A product-based approach 2) A process-based approach
What does the acronym FAT-P stand for?
Form, Audience, Topic, Purpose
Children don't need to engage in creative writing.
False. Children need both controlled practice (e.g. : fill in a blank) and creative writing
TRUE OR FALSE? "Writing for children should be seen primarily as a means of self- expression, with a focus on meaning, or as a means of reinforcing oral language development"
Cn you give some  reasons why writing is the most neglected skill in EYL?
Possible reasons: Time, number of students, misconceptions about writing for children