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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What part of the plant absorbs the water and nutrients and supports the plant to the soil?
What is this part of the plant? What is its function?
stem. transports water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant
What do we use light energy for?
To light places, to see in dark places
What do we use thermal energy for?
to heat things
What is and who makes photosynthesis?
It is the process on which leaves make the food for the plant and oxygen
What are the female and male parts of the flower?
Stamen and pollen are male. The pistil is female
What is the function of the flower?
It has the reproductive part of the plant.
What animals breathe with lungs?
mammals, reptiles, birds, adult amphibians
What animals breathe with gills?
fish, baby amphibians
Name all the animals groups that are oviparous
bird, fish, amphibians, reptiles
What is a viviparous animal?
It is an animal that grows inside the mother's uterus
What is a mammal? What covers the body of almost all mammals?
It is an animal that drinks milk from the mother. They are covered in fur or hair
Name two examples of invertebrates animals
worms, insects, crabs, ( answers may vary)
Name the five groups of vertebrates?
fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles
What is an invertebrate animal?
It is an animal without a backbone
Why are plants producers?
Because they produce their own food
What is a herbivore animal? give an example
It is an animal that eats just plants. ( answers may vary)
What is an omnivore animal?
Animals that eat plants and meat
Are these living organisms producers, decomposers or omnivores?
What ecosystem is this? Name two animals that live here. Explain an animal adaptation.
 What ecosystem is this?  Name two animals that live here. Explain an animal adaptation.
What ecosystem is this?. Name two animals that live here. Explain an animal adaptation.
rainforest ( answers may vary)
What ecosystem is this?. Name two animals that live here. Explain an animal adaptation.
desert. (answers may vary)