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How do you score points in basketball? dribble pass or shoot
how many hands do we use to pass? 1 or 2
How many hands do we use to dribble the ball? 1 or 2
When passing to your partner, where should you aim? there head or chest
chest -chest pass
how high should you dribble a ball? waist high or as high as your head
waist high
Can you name a famous basketball player?
Michael Jordan **** Labron James
Which one is the name of a professional basketball team? La lakers Baltimore Orioles
Name 2 skills in basketball
dribble pass shoot
How many feet high is a basketball hoop? 5 feet or 10 feet
What is it called when you are the team with the ball? offense or defense
What is called when you try to stop your opponent from making a basket? offense or defense
How do you score points in basktball?
What is the name of the skill when you throw the ball to a teammate?
What is the name of the skill where you bounce the ball?