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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have a daily schedule that I follow. I clean my room, read my book, and exercise. Which learner profile attribute best describes me?
I am balanced!
In class I learned a little about the Harlem Renaissance. I went home and researched this time period. I then made a slides presentation. I was being a...
A thinker, an inquirer, knowledgeable.
During gym class we had to play volleyball. This was a new experience for me but I tried it out. I had a hard time playing the sport but I never gave up. What learner profile attribute fits what I did today?
I was being a risk-taker!
Which one of the learner profile attributes do you want to be better at? Why?
Thank you for sharing that about yourself.
What is your favorite way of communicating with others?
There are so many ways to communicate our thoughts, feelings and ideas!
Which learner profile attribute describes you the best? Why?
I agree!
Are you a principled person? Explain why or why not.
You seem to make the right choices!
Think of a character from one of the books that you have read. Use one of the learner profile attributes to describe this character.
I want to read that book! It sounds interesting.
What does it mean to be an open-minded person?
You really do listen to the perspective of others!
Tell your classmates three ways they can be more caring at school.
You are so sweet!
Name one time you were a risk-taker at school.
You are so courageous!
What can you do to make sure that you live a balanced lifestyle?
You sound so healthy!
Reflect on the past school year. What is one moment that you will never forget and why?
Wow, you are a very reflective person!
Give an example of a time that you thought about ways to solve a problem and it worked!
You are a thinker!
What is something that you are knowledgeable about because of this school year?
You know a lot about important ideas!
How have you been an inquirer?
You sound really curious about the world!