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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is one thing you will do for fun this summer?
What is the best cereal?
Once you select which high schools you would like to apply to, what is the next step?
Rank your high schools
What is a sport that you can play in high school?
Soccer, Track, Baseball/Softball, Volleyball, Swimming, Cross Country, Basketball, etc...
Put these grade levels in order: Sophomore, Senior, Freshman, Junior
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
Name one college
True or false: You do not need to have a plan after you graduate high school.
True or false: Your 7th grade grades matter for your high school application
If you could design your dream career, what would it be?
On the GPA scale, how many points is an A worth?
What is an an example of a magnet program?
Senn Arts, Lincoln Park Double Honors, Von Steuben Scholars, etc...
What does IB stand for?
International Baccalaureate
True or false: Driver's Education is a high school graduation requirement
Name one example of an IB school...
Lincoln Park, Ogden, Amundsen, Back of the Yards, Bogan, Prosser, Steinmetz, Taft, Clemente, etc...
Name one example of a selective enrollment high school
Whitney Young, Walter Payton, Westinghouse, South Shore, Lindblom, Jones, Northside College Prep, Hancock, Brooks, King
True or false: You are guaranteed a spot at your neighborhood high school
What is the name of the website that you will use to apply to high school?
What does GPA stand for?
Grade Point Average