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Paraphrasing verb patterns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jack said that he wouldn't go with me to the meeting. (REFUSED) Jack ___________ with me to the meeting.
refused to go
I hated driving on the left at first but now it's OK. USED I __________on the left now.
am used to driving
Were you successful in passing the exam? MANAGE Did _______ the exam?
you manage to pass
Don't bother to apply for the job. POINT There ___________ for the job.
is no point in applying
I'll help you with your homework. MIND I___________you with your homework.
don't mind helping
In the future she became a successful business woman. WENT She________ a successful business woman.
went on to become
Meeting John in town was really surprising. EXPECT I ___________ John in town.
didn't expect to meet
I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginner's class. SUGGEST I __________ the beginners class.
suggest joining/ suggest you join/ suggest that you join
It is getting easier for me to get up early. USED I_______up early.
am getting used to getting
Predicting the weather is sometimes difficult. HARD It can ____________ the weather.
be hard to predict
I have no objection to Paul coming as well. MIND I do ____________________ as well
not mind if Paul comes as well
She had no intention of insulting you. MEAN She_________ you.
didn't mean to insult
Jane continuoed to work for the firm after the baby was born. WENT Jane________ for the firm after the baby was born.
went on working
I couldn´t hear what he said because of the noise. PREVENTED The noise _______ what he said.
prevented me from hearing
Jason adds up figures well for someone his age. GOOD. Jason_____ figures for someone his age
is good at adding up
t's really important that you pay the bill today. REMEMBER You must ..... the bill today.
remember to pay