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Outsiders Review Game

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the goofy, silly Greaser who provides comic relief?
Who is the Protective, serious Curtis brother who works too hard
Who is the Happy-go-lucky Curtis brother who has a love of life
The toughest, hardest Greaser who is violent and reckless
Who is the quiet, jumpy Greaser known as “the gang’s pet”
Who is Dark-haired, spoiled Soc who wears heavy rings?
14-year-old protagonist who narrates the story?
Who is Bob’s girlfriend who becomes a spy for the Greasers.
Who is Sodapop’s best friend who fights for hatred.
Steve Randle
Johnny sees Dally as gallant like the southern gentlemen in …..
Gone With The Wind
What did Dally give to Ponyboy and Johnny before they went to Windrixville?
gun and money
How did Bob get stabbed?
Johnny was trying to save Ponyboy
What point of view is The Outsides written in?
First Person
As Ponyboy and Johnny walk with the girls home from the movies they run into angry Socs. Why were the Socs angry with them?
The Greasers picked up their girls
Why did Johnny carry a switch blade?
He was afraid he would be jumped
Why were the Curtis boys living on their own?
heir parents died in a car accident
Why wouldn’t Cherry visit Johnny at the hospital?
Johnny had killed her boyfriend.
Ponyboy felt that the only reason for fighting is __________.
Self defense
What did Johnny request while at the hospital?
"Gone With The Wind"
Greasers feel that their ____________ is/are their trademark.
Who do Johnny and Ponyboy go to for help after the murder?
Early in the story, Ponyboy feels that Darry is _______________.
hard and cold
What emotion does Ponyboy feel whenever he talks about Soda dropping out of school?
Cherry and Marcia had no way to get home that night because ___________________.
Their dates had brought alcohol, so the girls left them
At the drive-in, it is ________________ who starts bothering the two Soc girls.