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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He (play) the guitar very well.
She (cry) every time we go there.
It (look) like a big dog.
Which verb do we use to make questions in present simple?
We use adverbs of frequency to say...
how often we do something
What is the meaning of "to have a lie-in"?
to stay in your bed for a little bit longer
What is the meaning of "to take an nap"?
to sleep for a short time
Do your brother and sister goes out every weekend? - Is there a mistake?
Do your brother and sister go out every weekend?
Make a sentence with always
Which is weaker: not often or sometimes?
not often
Which is stronger: often or sometimes?
We are very happy to see you. ( usually)
We are usually very happy to see you.
They ( not come ) to eat here every Tuesday.
don't come
I (not eat ) fast.
don't eat
He (not love) reading books.
doesn't love
He (like) reading books. (present simple )
I have dinner early. (always)
I always have dinner early.
We use the Present simple to talk about...
habits, facts
What is a guided tour?
a tour of a historic site or place with a guide
What is an exhibition?
a public display of works of art
Finish the sentence: I'm quite keen on...
noun/ verb (-ing)
Describe the meaning of party animal
someone who parties a lot, likes to spend their time with friends
Describe the meaning of workaholic
someone who spends most of their time working and doesn't go out much
Describe the meaning of couch potato
someone who likes staying in and eating junk food; someone who spends a lot of time watching TV
Describe the meaning of culture vulture
someone who likes reading, learning new things; someone who spends their time at museums or art galleries