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Internal geological processes

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In a volcanic alert, the best option is the ___ ____ of the population
controlled evacuation
In regions of seismic risk there are 3 steps that can be taken for prevention of major catastrophes... what are they?
land planning, build seismic resistant infrastructure and have an emergency response plan
For prediction, it is important to study signs that ____ is accumulating beneath the volcano
For prediction, it is important to study the accumulated ____ in fault blocks
What two things can help reduce seismic and volcanic risk? (start with letter P)
prediction and prevention
Which type of eruption has alternate layers of lava and pyroclasts and cause strato volcanoes?
Which type of eruption has very fluid lava (Hawaiian, Vesuvian or Peléan)?
Which type of eruption has very viscose lava (Hawaiian, Vesuvian or Peléan)?
True or false: magma has the same viscosity in all volcanoes
False... some have magma which is more viscose (thick) and others more fluid
Erosion, transport, sedimentation and diagenesis... are these internal or external processes?
Metamorphism, magmatism and orogenesis... are these internal or external processes?
External geological processes are moved by ___ and ___
solar energy and gravity (solar energy evaporates water causing rainfall which leads to rock weathering and gravity makes rivers flow downstream+ affects tides)
True or fase: both volcanoes and earthquakes are located on the boundaries between plates
The formula for geological risks is RISK=
Hazard x vulnerability
Seismic waves transmit
In an earthquake, the point on the Earth's SURFACE closest to the hypocentre is called
The epicentre
The point where an earthquake starts (deep within the earth) is called the
Focal point or hypocentre
Internal geological processes are driven by
The Earth's internal heat
The two mosy well-known internal processes are
Volcanoes and earthquakes
Internal or external processes? Those that flatten the relief
Internal or external process? Those that raise up the relief
Name 5 types of geographical features on Earth's relief
Mountains, valleys, plains, islands, volcanoes, etc