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Plate Tectonics and Rock cycle

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T/F Subduction provides enough heat and pressure to change a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock
Plates move away from each other at______.
divergent boundaries
T/F New lithosphere is always forming on top of large mountains
This describes the process in which one rock type becomes another rock type
rock cycle
The process in which one plate is being pulled under another plate is called _____.
What is convection?
The transfer of thermal energy by the movement of matter of different temperatures.
T/F Geological processes form rock
T/F Geological processes form rock
Explain how sediments become sedimentary rock.
Sediments are pressed and glued together over long periods of geological time.
T/F Rocks can break down into sediments
T/F Rocks can't change from sedimentary to metamorphic
The three types of rocks are classified by _____.
how they are formed
Lithosphere plates move towards each other at which type of plate boundary?
convergent plate boundary
Most earthquakes happen more frequently at
plate boundaries
Where do most metamorphic rocks form?
Deep underground
T/F Earth's lithosphere moves around but is never destroyed
T/F Old lithosphere is destroyed and new lithosphere is formed over time
What is MOST likely to occur at a transform plate boundary?
What provides evidence for the theory of plate tectonics?
fossils, rock layers, and gps measurements that show the plates are moving
New lithosphere is MOSTLY created at what type of plate boundary?
Plate tectonics refers to the theory that _________.
Earth's surface is made up of lithospheric plates that have moved over time.
Continental drift is the idea that__________.
the continents were once joined together to form a large landmass, have moved over time.