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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Tim ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who, does Christopher discover, is mother's partner?
Mr Shears
Where does Christopher find Toby after he escapes?
On the train tracks
Where does Christopher's mother live in London?
Where does Christopher hide on the train from the policeman?
In shelves next to the toilet
Who helps Christopher to buy a train ticket to London?
A policeman
What does Christopher want to study at university?
Where does Christopher put Toby when he is running away?
In his pocket.
In which town does Christopher live?
Who killed Wellington?
Christopher's father.
What does Christopher's father do when he finds out Christopher has read the letters and finds out his mother hasn't died?
He cries.
How many letters did Christopher find in his father's cupboard?
When Christopher searches for his book that his father took, what else did he find in his father's bedroom?
Letters addressed to him from his mother.
Where did Christopher's father put his book after they had a fight?
In a box, in a cupboard in father's bedroom.
What are Christopher's favourite animals at the zoo?
All of the above
Red-Faced Black Spider Monkey
Patagonian Sealions
What is Christopher's favourite book?
'Hound of the Baskervilles
What does Christopher always carry in his pocket?
A Swiss Army Knife.
What is the name of Christopher's rat?
What made Christopher have a 'super good day?'
5 (five) red cars in a row.
What kind of narrator is Christopher?
An unreliable narrator.
When police attended Wellington's murder, why did Christopher hit one of them?
Because the policeman took hold of Christopher's arm.
What is the name of Christopher's assisted learning teacher?
What did Christopher use to help him read peoples faces.
What was used to kill the dog?
A garden fork
What colour and what things did Christopher say gave him a black day?
4 yellow cars in a row
What colours does Christopher hate?
Yellow and brown
Yellow and orange
Yellow and green
Blue and purple
What is the name of the dog in the novel?
What order are the chapters written in?
Prime number order
Who wrote the novel?
Mark Haddon