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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give examples of meat and protein
meat , fish, chicken, eggs
Give examples of dairy products.  Products that come from milk
cheese, milk, yogurt
give examples of sweet and fats.
candy, cake, chocolate, oil
give examples of fruits and vegetables
apple, banana, grapes, artichoke, lettuce, carrots
Name two habits of cleanliness. What do you do to stay clean?
Wash your hands, brush your teeth, take a shower, cut you nails, etc
 What actions do you do to stay healthy?
exercise, be clean, sleep, eat healthy, be happy
What sense do you have in your nose?
Where is your sense of sight? What can you see?
eyes. colors, names, animasl, people, etc
Where is your sense of touch? What can you touch
Skin. soft pillow, hard rock, hot pot, ect
Where is your sense of taste? What can you taste?
tongue. Ice-cream, salt, lemon, etc
Where do you have the sense of hearing? What can you hear?
ears music, cars, noise, etc
What food gives you vitamins to be healthy?
fruits and vegetables
In what stage of life are your parents?
young adult
In what stage of life are you?
In what stage of life is this person?
old age
Name an animal with scales
fish,, reptiles
What covers the body of all birds?
What is the skin covering of a frog?
What products can you get from a cow?
milk, meat, leather
What products can you get from the hen?
meat, eggs
What animal gives you wool?
What is a herbivore animal? give and example
An animal that eats plants. Ex a cow, giraffe, sheep, deer, etc
What is a carnivorore? Give examples
Animals that eat meat. shark, tiger, lion, etc
Name two wild animals
lion, hippo, giraffe, shark, whale, etc
Name two domestic animals
dog, cat, cow, hen, rabbit, etc