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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can we do to reduce burning fossil fuels?
We can use more public transport and share our cars
What are the causes of global warming?
Burning fossil fuels, massive farming and deforestation
What does the stem do?
The stem supports the plant. It carries water and minerals to the rest of the plant
What is a gymnosperm?
It is a plant that produces cones, not flowers.
What is an angiosperm?
It is a plant that has flowers and produces fruits.
What do plants produce after performing photosynthesis?
Plants produce GLUCOSE and OXYGEN
What gas does the plant breathe?
The plant breathes oxygen.
When does respiration of a plant take place?
The plant breathes during the day and at night.
What does the plant need to perform photosynthesis?
The plant needs sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and minerals to perform photosynthesis.
When does the plant perform photosynthesis? Why?
During the day, because the plant needs sunlight to perform photosynthesis.
What is the name of the plant nutrition process?
What do living things do?
Living things grow, eat, breathe, reproduce and die.
What do the roots do?
The roots fix the plant in the soil. They absorb water and minerals from the soil.
What do the leaves do?
The leaves absorb sunlight. They help the plant to make the food.
What happens when pollen joins an ovule?
They create a seed and a fruit is created.
What are the 5 kingdoms of living things?
Animals, plants, bacteria, fungus and protists.
Who transports the pollen from one flower to another flower?
Insects, animals or the wind
Does a flower have male or female reproductive organs?
The flower has both, male and female reproductive organs
What part of the flower produces pollen?
The stamens produce pollen.
What are the main parts of the plant?
Roots, stem, leaves, flower and fruit
What do plants need to survive?
They need water, air, soil and sunlight.