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the 60s

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did people in the 60's use to go to parties all the time?
Yes, they did.
People in the sixties used to rap. T or F?
People in ancient Greece used to wear tunics or togas (made of linen and wool). True or False?
Men in ancient Greece used to wear their hair in ponytails. True or False?
People in Britain in the 60's used to wear long dresses. True or False?
Did people in the 60's use to wear ties?
No, they didn't.
What kind of music did people use to listen to in the 60s?
Rock 'n' Roll
Girls liked wearing...
mini skirts
Back at the 60s students used to wear... at school
60s music: They used to listen to the Beatles'...
Women used to wear...shoes.
high heeled
Men used to wear their hair in a...
pony tail
People used to wear... pants in the 60s.
bell-bottomed pants