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Projectile Motion
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What tool can we use at school to measure angle?
A protractor.
Which angle will allow the projectile to travel further: 80 or 10 degrees?
Neither. They will travel almost the same distance.
If a projectile keeps the same angle but starts moving from a higher point, what happens?
It will go further.
Which 3 directions are related to projectile motion?
Up, forward and down.
Which is an example or projectile motion? Driving a car or Playing Basketball?
Playing Basketball.
Name 3 common projectiles.
Ball, arrow, bullet.
Which angle give the best distance for a projectile in motion?
45 degrees.
What is the natural force of gravity on Earth?
9.8 m/s2
Which 2 forces are applied to projectile motion?
Speed (Pushing, kicking or throwing) and Gravity.