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The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. (x2)
ðə ˈθɜrdi-θri θivz θɔt ðæt ðeɪ θrɪld ðə θroʊn θruˈaʊt ˈθɜrzˌdeɪ.
If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? (x3)
ɪf ə dɔg ʧuz ʃuz, huz ʃuz dʌz hi ʧuz?
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk. (x2)
ə skʌŋk sæt ɑn ə stʌmp ænd θʌnk ðə stʌmp stʌŋk, bʌt ðə stʌmp θʌnk ðə skʌŋk stʌŋk.
“Surely Sylvia swims!” shrieked Sammy surprised. “Someone should show Sylvia some strokes so she shall not sink.” (x2)
“ˈʃʊrli ˈsɪlviə swɪmz!” ʃrikt ˈsæmi sərˈpraɪzd. “ˈsʌmˌwʌn ʃʊd ʃoʊ ˈsɪlviə sʌm stroʊks soʊ ʃi ʃæl nɑt sɪŋk.”
Rubber baby buggy bumpers. (x4)
ˈrʌbər ˈbeɪbi ˈbʌgi ˈbʌmpərz.
I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet, I sit. (x2)
aɪ slɪt ðə ʃit, ðə ʃit aɪ slɪt, ænd ɑn ðə ˈslɪtɪd ʃit, aɪ sɪt.
Three free throws. (x4)
θri fri θroʊz.
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thick, say it quick! Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. Spread it thicker, say it quicker! (x1)
ˈjɛloʊ ˈbʌtər, ˈpɜrpəl ˈʤɛli, rɛd ʤæm, blæk brɛd. sprɛd ɪt θɪk, seɪ ɪt kwɪk! ˈjɛloʊ ˈbʌtər, ˈpɜrpəl ˈʤɛli, rɛd ʤæm, blæk brɛd. sprɛd ɪt ˈθɪkər, seɪ ɪt ˈkwɪkər!
Friendly fleas and fireflies. (x4)
ˈfrɛndli fliz ænd ˈfaɪərˌflaɪz
We surely shall see the sunshine soon. (x2)
wi ˈʃʊrli ʃæl si ðə ˈsʌnˌʃaɪn sun
Specific Pacific. (x4)
spəˈsɪfɪk pəˈsɪfɪk
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? (x3)
kæn ju kæn ə kæn æz ə ˈkænər kæn kæn ə kæn?
Rory’s lawn rake rarely rakes really right. (x2)
ˈrɔriz lɔn reɪk ˈrɛrli reɪks ˈrɪli raɪt
Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread (x3)
frɛd fɛd tɛd brɛd, ænd tɛd fɛd frɛd brɛd
Which witch switched the Swiss wristwatches? (x3)
wɪʧ wɪʧ swɪʧt ðə swɪs ˈrɪˌstwɑʧɪz?
Rolling red wagons (x3)
ˈroʊlɪŋ rɛd ˈwægənz
Selfish shellfish (x4)
sɛlfɪʃ ˈʃɛlˌfɪʃ
Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.
gɪv ˈpɑpə ə kʌp ʌv ˈprɑpər ˈkɑfi ɪn ə ˈkɑpər ˈkɑfi kʌp
I thought a thought. But the thought I thought Wasn’t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought, Had been the thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought I thought. (x1)
aɪ θɔt ə θɔt. bʌt ðə θɔt aɪ θɔt ˈwɑzənt ðə θɔt aɪ θɔt aɪ θɔt. ɪf ðə θɔt aɪ θɔt aɪ θɔt, hæd bɪn ðə θɔt aɪ θɔt, aɪ ˈwʊdənt hæv θɔt aɪ θɔt
Thirty-three thousand feathers on a thrushes throat. (x3)
ˈθɜrdi-θri ˈθaʊzənd ˈfɛðərz ɑn ə ˈθrʌʃəz θroʊt
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (x1)
haʊ mʌʧ wʊd wʊd ə ˈwʊdˌʧʌk ʧʌk ɪf ə ˈwʊdˌʧʌk kʊd ʧʌk wʊd? hi wʊd ʧʌk, hi wʊd, æz mʌʧ æz hi kʊd, ænd ʧʌk æz mʌʧ wʊd æz ə ˈwʊdˌʧʌk wʊd ɪf ə ˈwʊdˌʧʌk kʊd ʧʌk wʊd
Round and round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.
raʊnd ænd raʊnd ðə ˈrʌgəd rɑks ðə ˈrægəd ˈræskəl ræn
Betty bought some butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter, so Betty bought some better butter, and the better butter Betty bought was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before! (x1)
ˈbɛti bɑt sʌm ˈbʌtər, bʌt ðə ˈbʌtər ˈbɛti bɑt wʌz ˈbɪtər, soʊ ˈbɛti bɑt sʌm ˈbɛtər ˈbʌtər, ænd ðə ˈbɛtər ˈbʌtər ˈbɛti bɑt wʌz ˈbɛtər ðæn ðə ˈbɪtər ˈbʌtər ˈbɛti
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he? (x2)
ˈfʌzi ˈwʊzi wʌz ə bɛr. ˈfʌzi ˈwʊzi hæd noʊ hɛr. ˈfʌzi ˈwʊzi ˈwɑzənt ˈfʌzi, wʌz hi?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked (1)
ˈpitər ˈpaɪpər pɪkt ə pɛk ʌv ˈpɪkəld ˈpɛpərz; ə pɛk ʌv ˈpɪkəld ˈpɛpərz ˈpitər ˈpaɪpər pɪkt; ɪf ˈpitər ˈpaɪpər pɪkt ə pɛk ʌv ˈpɪkəld ˈpɛpərz, wɛrz ðə pɛk ʌv ˈpɪk
One-one was a racehorse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too. (x2)
wʌn-wʌn wʌz ə ˈreɪsˌhɔrs. tu-tu wʌz wʌn tu. wʌn-wʌn wʌn wʌn reɪs. tu-tu wʌn wʌn tu
Four furious friends fought for the phone. (x3)
fɔr ˈfjʊriəs frɛndz fɔt fɔr ðə foʊn
Green glass globes glow greenly (x3)
grin glæs gloʊbz gloʊ ˈgrinli
Willie’s really weary (x4)
wɪliz ˈrɪli ˈwɪri
A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule. (x3)
ə ˈlɔɪəl ˈwɔriər wɪl ˈrɛrli ˈwɜri waɪ wi rul
Fresh fried fish. (x4)
frɛʃ fraɪd fɪʃ
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream (x3)
aɪ skrim, ju skrim, wi ɔl skrim fɔr aɪs krim