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The flying machine

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the twins think Anneena had called their flying machine?
a hairy plane
What was wrong with their flying machine?
The propeller was flat.
What was Henry and Harold trying to do?
They were trying out their flying machine.
Whom did they see when they went back in time?
Henry and Harold
What happened when Annenna touched the magic key?
Annenna and Nadim went back in time, they went to a place in America.
Wo was flying the aeroplane?
It was flying by itself.
What was the surprise for Nadim in the aeroplane?
He will visit the flight deck in the aeroplane
" I don't like flying, I hate taking off." Who said that?
Nadim's dad
Who are the main characters of the story?
Nadim, Anneena and the twin brothers