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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He was the twin brother of Diana. He was also the god of the Sun, music, poetry and light. Who was this?
This was Apollo.
He was the god of the seas, and he had a trident as his weapon. Who was this?
This was Neptune.
Who were Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune's parents?
Their parents were Ops and Saturn.
Mercury was Mars, Venus, Apollo and Diana's half brother. TRUE or FALSE (if true, who was their father)?
True. Their father was Jupiter.
She was the goddess of salty water. She was also Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto's mother. Who was this?
This was Ops.
They were Jupiter and Latona's twins. Who were they?
They were Diana and Apollo.
He was Neptune and Pluto's brother. He represented the air and was also the God of the gods. Who was this?
This was Jupiter.
She was very beautiful, and was named the goddess of beauty and love. Who was this?
This was Venus.
In Roman mythology, he represented Death, so he ruled the underworld - the place where people go after they're dead. Who was this?
This was Pluto.
Gaea was Saturn's ____?
Gaea was Saturn's mother.
He was the god of time, and he was even more powerful than his son Jupiter, who was considered the god of the gods.
This was Saturn.
He had sandals with wings, so he could fly. He was the messenger god. Who was this?
This was Mercury.
Proserpina was Pluto's sister. TRUE or FALSE?
False. She was Pluto's wife.
Cupid was Mars and Venus' _____.
Cupid was Mars and Venus' son.