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Virtual Scavenger Hunt (For Primary kids)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you use me, the house gets clean! Who am I?
I am sweet when you eat me. I am healthy! Who am I?
Any fruit!
You can turn on the TV or AC with me! Who am I?
You can draw a straight line using me! Who am I?
A Ruler / scale
I am soft and babies love me! Who am I?
Stuffed Toy
You can hang me on the wall. I am a beautiful sight. Who am I?
A photo / A painting
When you wear me, I protect your eyes from the sun. Who am I?
I am stretchy. I hold your hair together!
Rubber band
I brighten up a dark place when you turn me on. You can hold me with just your hands! Who am I?
The more I dry, the wetter I get. Who am I?
You can fill me up and drink from me! Who am I?
Cup / Tumbler
I am very sharp but you need me to hold clothes together. Who am I?
Safety pin
You need me to eat/drink soup. Who am I?
You need me if you wear a shoe! Who am I?
I am something that you eat. I am very healthy! Who am I?
Any Vegetable
You can open doors with me.
You use me for a bath. The more you use me, the smaller/lesser I become! Who am I?
Soap / Shampoo
I make your pencils sharp. Who am I?
Pencil sharpener
I am put into things and it turns cold. Who am I?
What has hands but cannot clap?
A watch / A clock
I come in a pair. I am always with you wherever you walk. What am I?