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Subject-verb agreement

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ____ a hamburger. (to eat)
She eats a hamburger.
Oliver and his brother ____ lunch together. (to eat)
Oliver and his brother eat lunch together.
He ____ alone in his room. (to eat)
He eats alone in his room.
My family ____ noodles every Monday. (to eat)
My family eat noodles every Monday.
The choir ____ together in church. (to sing)
The choir sing together in church.
She ____ rock music loudly. (to sing)
She sings rock music loudly.
The fish _____ together. (to swim)
The fish swim together.
George _____ in the sea. (to swim)
George swims in the sea.
The beautiful girls ____ on stage. (to dance)
The beautiful girls dance on stage.
I think the boy ____ well. (to dance)
I think the boy dances well.
He ____ video games every night. (to play)
He plays video games every night.
They ____ basketball after school. (to play)
They play basketball after school.
Dad ____ sausages and vegetables. (to cook)
Dad cooks sausages and vegetables.
Jane and her mum _____ dinner for Dad. (to cook)
Jane and her mum cook dinner for Dad.
Anna ____ piano every weekend. (to play)
Anna plays piano every weekend.
They ____ together at the recital. (to play)
They play together at the recital.
Every morning, he ____ a green juice. (to drink)
Every morning, he drinks a green juice.
Mum and her friend _____ coffee together. (to drink)
Mum and her friend drink coffee together.
Johnny ____ a bike. (to ride)
Johnny rides a bike.
The boys ____ a bike. (to ride)
The boys ride a bike.