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What is this text feature?

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is a book about tigers important to read and know about?
Tigers are in the world and we need to know about them.
How can the author organize the text?
By using headings for each section
What text feature would you use to try to get someone to understand what Teddy looks like?
What is this called?
A compass rose
What text feature would you use to show someone where California is?
A map
What text feature would you use if you wanted to know where to find the most important word on the page?
Bold Print
What Text feature would you need if you wanted to retell a non-fiction text
Table of Contents - headings - pictures - maps, etc.
What text feature would you need to explain what the words in the text mean?
The Glossary
What text feature would you use to show someone where California iss?
A map
What text feature would you use to try to get someone to understand what a Teddy looks like?
What text feature is this?
Picture graph: Uses things you know to make reading the graph easier
What is this text feature?
A Graph: a picture that can help compare information to other information
What is this text feature?
Sub Headings - Breakdown of parts of the heading For Example: Hamsters... What they eat
What Text feature is this?
Timeline: helps determine when things happened and in what order. When people were born, what happened, when they died
What is this text feature?
Table of Contents: tells the headings and their page numbers
What text feature is this?
Bold print - The author wants us to pay attention to this new vocabulary or important information
What text feature is this?
A Diagram - Explains the parts of the picture by identifying or pointing out important (key) parts
What text feature is this?
label: A quick word to help identify what is in the picture - what am I looking at?
What text feature is this?
An Index: Lists items I might want to find within the text - tells me which page to find it on
What is this text feature?
A Glossary: Gives a "definition"/ meaning to the words that may be unknown - tells us what words mean
What is this text feature?
Maps: Help us figure out where in the world this is happening
What text feature is this?
A caption: a small explanation of the picture of which I am looking
What is this text feature?
A Heading: important to know what I'm going to learn about on that page