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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do people feel when we interrupt them?
Sad, mad and annoyed
How do you know that you have a green light in conversation?
If someone pauses or asks a question
What does a yellow light mean in conversation?
Get ready to speak
What does a red light mean in conversation?
Other person is talking. Not your turn to talk
Telling someone on a play date that you are so bored. Think it or say it?
Think it
Are compliments and nice comments something we should think or say?
If someone says something mean, should you say mean things to hurt them back or keep your mean thoughts in your head?
Think it (keep them in your head)
Should this person think it or say it?
Think it
What is the difference between teasing and bullying?
Bullying = happens over and over again, teasing = someone is mean but not over and over
Ben gets pushed by Mark. What type of bullying is this? Verbal or physical?
If someone is making a joke but they are your good friend is this bullying or friendly teasing?
Friendly teasing
What does it mean to tattle?
Telling a teacher when the problem is small, nobody is getting hurt, no one needs to be involved, it doesn't impact you
What does it mean to tell (not tattle)?
Telling an adult when something/someone needs help, someone is in danger, something bad can happen
What is an I-statement?
Talk to someone and tell them, "I feel ___, when you ____, can you please ___"
Which conflict resolution styles are not effective?
Passive, passive aggressive and aggressive
What is an assertive conflict resolution style?
Someone that sticks up for themselves, is calm, tells people how they feel
What animal should you be when you're in a conflict? Mouse, cat, lion or dog
Dog (assertive)
What is conflict?
A fight, argument or disagreement