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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The police used ________ to track down the murderer.
licensed plates
People say, when you have high _________ it's easier to be disappointed
If you post something that infringes the rules of FB, it might be _______.
taken down
If anyone ________you with uploading nude pictures of you to the internet you act legally against them.
Recently a _________ was discovered in Mexico State.
serial killer, murderer
_____ is one of different signs of depression in teenagers.
__________ still happen in places like India or rural communities in Mexico.
arranged marriages
AMLO is a very controversial _________.
politician, public figure
Some police officers were accused of accpeting _______ from people.
I had no idea that making fake calls was called _________.
My brother seemed ________ to lend me money, but at the end I was able to borrow $10000 from him.
______ are very mental health challenges that we need to be careful with.
Eating disorders
Religious people take _______ very seriously.
I haven't seen you in __________ years!
a thousand
The transit police took my ______ for parking in the wrong place.
license plates
My teacher kicked me out of class for _______ a classmate's opinion.
I'm afraid of water because last time we went to the ocean I almost ________.
Soccer is boring, eleven men or women _______ a ball nonstop.
That guy makes me feel very frustrated, sometimes I just want to _____ him in the face.
He was in jail for _______ a person.
It is forbbiden to solicit ________ in many countries, except for The red light District in Amsterdam.
sexual services
When a person looks at you with _________ you feel somehow attacked.