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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Gisele Bündchen is ___________ ( = tall) Taylor Swift.
Gisele Bündchen is AS TALL AS Taylor Swift.
The situation is _________ ( + bad) before.
The situation is WORSE THAN before.
Today is _________ (= hot) Yesterday.
Today is AS HOT AS yesterday.
CDS are ___________ ( - expensive) a Vinil record.
Cds are LESS EXPENSIVE THAN a vinil record.
Friends is __________ (+ funny) How I met Your Mother
Friends is FUNNIER THAN how I met your mother.
Juliette is ___________ (+ famous) Vih Tube.
Juliette is MORE FAMOUS THAN Vih Tube.
"A fazenda" is _________ ( - popular) "BBB"
"A fazenda" is LESS POPULAR THAN "BBB"
Avengers is __________ (+ good) the Justice League.
Avengers is BETTER THAN the Justice League.
My car is ____________ ( - old) Angela's car.
My car is LESS OLD THAN Angela's car.
I believe Paris is ______________ Italy. ( = romantic)
I believe Paris is AS ROMANTIC AS Italy.
This dress is too ugly! The pink one is ___________ ( + beautiful) that.
The pink one is MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN that.
The music is too loud! We need to find a ________ (+ quiet) place than that to stay.
We need to find a QUIETER place than that to stay.