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Communicating 1 End of year quiz

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the adjective still mean?
not moving; motionless
If vegetables are not cooked they are…
Food with little taste is called…(adj)
What’s the term for theft from shops?
What’s the difference between conDUCT and CONduct?
One is a verb, the other is a noun.
An adult who can’t read or write is…
The noun form of wide.
A person who lives and works in different towns.
A commuter
Something that is passed down from preceding generations.
Translate into Italian: I’d rather you didn’t talk so much.
Preferirei che tu non parlassi così tanto.
Translate into Italian: We used to have so much fun.
Una volta ci divertevamo così tanto.
Translate into Italian: You’re not supposed to use the swimming pool after 8 p.m.
Non dovresti usare la piscina dopo le otto di sera.
Translate into English: Devi prendere una decisione.
You have to make a decision/make up your mind
Translate into English: Ho preso un buon voto.
I got a good grade/mark.
Translate into English: Ho preso un giorno di vacanza.
I took a day off.
What do the words knight, pneumonia and island have in common?
They have silent letters
What do the words resign, sack and train have in common?
They have to do with work.
What do the verbs own, believe and taste have in common?
They're stative verbs