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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the sentence: "The career I studied was engineering"
"the degree I studied"
Transform the sentence using a causative form: I made my brother pick me up at the airport.
"I had my brother pick me up at the airport" /" I got my brother to pick me up at the airport"
Complete the following sentence to complain about something: "I'd rather you....."
I'd rather you + past simple
If you go to prison you serve__________
Complete the third conditional sentence with your own words and ideas: "If I had paid more attention to my parents....."
If I had paid more attention to my parents I would have + past participle
Fill-in the gap: The Amur tiger is an _____________species.
Fill in the gap: The burglar was ___________ red-handed.
Fill in the gap: "The door was closed. She must _______ gone out".
Must HAVE gone out
Burglars break ________ houses.
break INTO
Correct the sentence: "You should to finish as soon as possible"
You should finish as soon as possible.
People who are very impulsive usually JUMP THE ________
Pronounce the following word: "aisle"
Complete the sentence with a future perfect form: "By the end of next year I ...."
By the end of next year I will have +past participle
Correct the sentence: "Last year I did a travel around the world"
I did a TRIP / I travelled arround the world
Correct the sentence "I would pay the full price but in the end she made me a discount"
"I was going to pay..."
Complete the sentence: "If I were in your _________, I would call her"
You can say HOLD YOUR __________ when you want somebody to shut up.
If you don't agree with someone you don't SEE _______ TO _________
A synonym for ARROGANT is BIG-____________
Correct the sentence: "When I was a small child, my mother would believe that fruit juice was very healthy"
USED TO believe
Fill in the gap: "I came _______ a lot of money when my great-grandmother passed away"
If you are starting fo feel ill you say that you are "coming ________ with something"
Make a suggestion using this expression: "How about...."
How about + v ING
Say three connectors that mean the same as furthermore
Moreover, in addition, plus, what is more
Correct the sentence: "My parents gave me many good advices"
My parents gave me a lot of good advice.
Correct the sentence: "I'm so glad to have few real friends"
"I'm so glad to have A FEW real friends"
How do you say "to get a degree in " in American English?
To major in
How do you say "head teacher" in American English?
Is this sentence correct? : "Last week I haven't seen my friends"
No: "Last week I SAW my friends"
What's the name of the place where you learn to drive a car?
Driving school
Is this sentence correct? "This plant is very sensible, if you touch it closes its leaves"
No: "This plant is very SENSITIVE..."
Is this sentence correct? "Generally speaking, the children love playing video games"
No: "Generally speaking, children love playing video games"
Pronounce the word "CIRCLE"
An adjective derived from the noun "INFORMATION" is ____________
An adjective derived from the noun "PRICE" is _____________
pricey / priceless