Edit Game
Family and Friends 4 - Unit 1 - Lesson 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We always ______________(play) the piano. But we __________(play) the guitar today.
We always play the piano. But we are playing the guitar today.
They normally ______________ (wear) white T-shirts. But they ______________ (wear) black shirts today.
They normally wear white T-shirts. But they are wearing black shirts today.
You normally __________(go) to school. But you ___________ (go) to the park today.
You normally go to school. But you are going to the park today.
I always ___________ (eat) a plate of salad. But I __________(eat) a bowl of soup today.
I always eat a plate of salad. But I'm eating a bowl of soup today.
We usually _________(drink) a bottle of water. But we _________ (drink) a glass of milk today.
We usually drink a bottle of water. But we are drinking a glass of milk today.
You normally _____________(wear) a colorful skirt. But you _________(wear) a blue dress today.
You normally wear a colorful skirt. But you are wearing a blue dress today.
They always _________ (wear) green uniforms. But they ____________ (wear) blue uniforms today.
They always wear green uniforms. But they are wearing blue uniforms today.
I usually __________ (eat) pizza. But I __________ (eat) pasta today.
I usually eat pizza. But I'm eating pasta today.