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School, time, doctor

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What time is the Art class?
It's at nine o'clock.
What time is the P.E. class?
P.E. is at quarter past ten.
What time is the music class?
It's at half past one.
When has Tony got Maths?
He has got Maths on Monday.
When has Mandy got Art?
She has got Art on Friday.
When has Carol got Geography?
She has got Geography on Thursday.
When has Peter got P,E?
He has got P.E. on Tuesday.
Have you got music today?
Yes, I have.
Have you got maths today?
No I haven't
What time is it?
It's quarter to four.
What time is it?
It's quarter past eight.
What's the matter?
She has got a cough
What's the matter?
He has (got) a headache
Has she got earache?
No, she hasn't.
Has she got a stomach ache?
Yes, she has.
Is the Geography class at half past eleven?
No it isn't
What time is the music class?
It's at ten o'clock.
Do you like maths?
Yes I do/ No I don't
Do you like science?
Yes I do/ No I don't.
He has got a cold... True or false?
What's the subject?
It's quarter past five... True or false?
What's the subject?
She's got a headache... True or false?
What's the subject?