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What is Taylor Swift's Middle Name?
Name the 4 band members of The Beatles
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
Which of the following events occurred first? WWI, The Great Depression, Women's Sufferage
WWI: 1918 (Woman's Sufferage: 1920, Great Depression: 1929)
How many Harry Potter books are there in the original series?
7 books (there are 8 movies).
What is South Carolina's State Animal?
The Whitetail Deer
Name a complimentary color scheme
Complimentary means 2 colors opposite from each other on the color wheel. (for example, orange & blue, or green & red)
Name a secondary color on the color wheel
Secondary colors are made by mixing two primary colors. Answers could be: Green, Orange, or Violet
What Pop Artist was known for his comic-book inspired paintings with dots and primary colors?
Roy Lichtenstein
Jasper Johns
Jen Stark
Andy Warhol
What Pop Artist was known for his series of cambell soup cans?
Andy Warhol
This category of art describes a work of art that shows inanimate objects from the natural or man-made world, such as fruit, flowers,, and/or vessels like baskets or bowls. (Hint: The objects do not move).
Still Life
What famous artist painted "Starry Night" ?
Vinecent van Gogh
Which city’s nickname is 'The Windy City'?
What is the slowest living mammal on earth?
a sloth
What are the five basic senses that humans have?
Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
Water freezes at what temperature in Celsius ?
Zero degree Celsius.
What substance makes up 71% of the Earth?
Which planet is the hottest in our Solar System?
What is a triangle with 3 equal sides called?
an equilateral triangle
Which 2 colors combine to form orange?
yellow and red
What is 75% of 1000?
How many vowels are present in the English alphabet?
5 (a, e, i, o, u "and sometimes y")
What did Mandalorian fans name “The Child” in the Disney+ series?
Baby Yoda
The game Golf was first played in which country?
Which city is known as the “City of Love”
Paris, France
How many degrees are there in a circle?
360 degrees
Which is the world’s fastest animal?
What is the antonym of "deep"?
Shallow (antonym means opposite)
What are the most common animals found in Australia? (name 3)
Kangaroo, Wombats, Koalas and the Dingo
What do the 5 rings on the Olympic flag represents?
It represents the five continents of the world competing in the olympics: Africa (yellow), the Americas (red), Asia (green), Europe (black), and Oceania (blue).
The Summer Olympic Games are held every _______ years.
A group of wolves is called a ________?
A pack