Edit Game
Basic Language Skills

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the image.
green, tall, in the house for christmas, decorated
Describe the image.
sweet, for birthdays, dessert
Animal, Big, has a trunk, lives in Africa
Joe is walking to school and realized he forgot his umbrella. How did he know?
It was raining
How are a soccer ball and football the same? How are they different?
They are both used for playing sports. Football is brown and for throwing. Soccer ball is black & white and for kicking.
How are Summer and Winter the same? How are they different?
They are both seasons. Summer is June-August and Winter is December-March
Mom is holding a type of clothing that you wear on your face. It helps keep the sun out of your eyes. What is it?
The milk got left out on the counter all day. What might happen to it?
Might be spoiled.
Your sister is missing her toy. It has a head, arms, and legs. It drinks a bottle.
Mom is holding an object that you use for school, it holds your books, and it has a zipper. What is it?
You walk into a room and flip the light switch, but it does not turn on..why?
Lightbulb is out or power is out.
How are a couch and a bed the same? How are they different
couch and bed are both furniture. Couch is in the living room and the bed is in the bedroom.
Describe the image.
animal/pet; lives in a house; barks
Describe the image.
Kitchen tool, eat with it, silver
Describe the image.
furniture; sit on it
Describe the image
transportation;  fast, has wheels
Describe the image.
Animal; orange and black; lives in zoo
How are a candle and a flashlight the same? How are they different?
Both give off light. Candle has a flame, a flashlight has a lightbulb.
How are a donut and cupcake the same? How are they different?
Both are sweet. Cupcakes are dessert, donuts are breakfast.
How are markers and crayons the same? How are they different?
Both are for coloring; markers are made of ink; crayons are made of wax
How are a boat and a bus the same? How are they different?
Boat and bus are both transportation. A boat goes in the water and a bus goes on the street.