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Millie Bobby Brown

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How much money does Millie get paid per episode od Stranger Things?
between $300.000 and $350.000
How many awards has Millie won so far?
Is she a UNICEF ambassador?
Yes, she is.
Does she speak Spanish?
Not much.
What's the name of her fandom?
What's her nationality?
What is Millie Bobby Brown's star sign?
Who's Millie's favourite celebrity?
What's her cosmetics line's name?
Florence by Mills
What's her disability?
She lost hearing in one of her ears.
Where does she live?
she lives in London or in Atlanta
How tall is Millie?
1,63 m
What colour are Millie's eyes?
What was her big screen debiut?
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
What's Millie's job?
an actress, a model
When did she receive a Kid's Choice Award for best actress in Stranger Things?
in 2017
What was her character's name in Stranger Things?
What was the name of the series that gained her popularity?
Stranger Things
When did she first appear in a TV series?
in 2013
Did she star in a video clip?
Yes, she did. (e.g. "Girls like you" with Cardi B. in 2018)
Where was she born?
In Marbella, Spain.
Has she got any siblings?
Yes, she has. She's got two sisters and a brother.
When is Millie's birthday?
19th of February
How old is Millie?
What's her first name?