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US Govt - Foreign Policy

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does Congress check and balance Presidential Foreign Policy power?
Ratification of treaties, funding (or removal of funding), oversight
How can the president go around the congressional approval of a foreign treaty?
By making an executive agreement
Who is responsible for funding foreign policy resolutions?
Who is the foreign policy leader?
The president
Name and explain one Military Tool
Military Action; or, Joint Chiefs of Staff; or, CIA; or, National Security Council
Name and explain one Economic Tool
Economic aid - money to developing nations, spread democracy, expand markets; or, Economic Sanctions - restricting imports/exports, trade, financial transaction
Name and explain one Diplomatic Tool
Embassies - representation in other countries; or, Defense Alliance - aid in case of attack; or, Collective Security - keep international peace and order
What is Idealism?
Internationalist approach but considers the other country´s interests as well.
What is NeoIsolationism?
Involvement kept to a minimum. Interference costs long wars and isn't always welcome
What is Realism?
Internationalist approach - cooperation between countries (me first, though)​
What is Isolationism?
Look after domestic issues, stay out of world affairs to avoid war​
When was the USA truly regarded as an international superpower?
After Wold War 2
Did the USA join WW2 voluntarily?
No - Pearl Harbor...
WWI affected the USA foreign policy in THREE ways. Complete: It established the U.S. as a country with __________
global influence
WWI affected the USA foreign policy in THREE ways. Complete: It saw a dramatic expansion in the __________
US military
WWI affected the USA foreign policy in THREE ways. Complete: It mobilized the ________ to support the war effort
True or False: The USA went into WWI voluntarily, out of empathy for it's friends.
False - it got DRAGGED in when it was attacked German ships, and German alliance to Mexico
By WWI, what was the United State's foreign policy ideology?
Isolationism - don´t get involved
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
USA wouldn´t stand for european interferance or influence in the Americas
Did George Washington endorse (approve of) foreign policy?
No, he believed the new country needed to focus on itself first
There are FIVE goals of foreign policy. Complete: Providing _____ to people in need
There are FIVE goals of foreign policy. Complete: Supporting _________
There are FIVE goals of foreign policy. Complete: Promoting wold ______ and a healthy _______
peace.... environment
There are FIVE goals of foreign policy. Complete: Establishing free and open _________
There are FIVE goals of foreign policy. Complete: National ____________