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Influential Leaders

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He has inspired many subsequent generations of writers, artists and theologians. His famous quote "Come as you are" shows us how he welcomed everyone without discrimination. Who is he?
Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî
What is the name of this Turkish scientist who inspired future generations of pilots?
Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi
Bach has been regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time. In which period was he active?
Baroque period
Why is Albert Einstein an important historical figure?
He is one of the greatest physicists of all time.
William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. Can you give an example of one of his famous works?
Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice etc
Who is Nelson Mandela? Give us some information about him.
He was the first black head of state in South Africa. He was a philanthropist. He was against apartheid.
What did Mother Teresa do to help people?
She ran soup kitchens for poor people, mobile clinics, family counselling programmes etc
This leader has been the symbol of American civil rights movement. Who is he?
Martin Luther King Jr.
Who is this leader and where is he from?
Mahatma Gandhi, India
"One day my mortal body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand forever." This is a famous quote by Atatürk. Can you give another example?
Teachers are the one and only people who save nations. To see me does not necessarily mean to see my face. To understand my thoughts is to have seen me etc.