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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does a solar oven work?
Great work!
Why was Jack nervous about going to the dentist?
He was nervous because last time he had a problem with his teeth.
What age group does diabetes affect?
It can affect every age group.
Can too much glucose be dangerous for you? Why or why not?
Awesome work!
What is diabetes?
It is a disease that affects how a body uses glucose.
Who was Pablo Picasso?
He was an artist.
What is abstract art?
It is formed with shapes and patterns that do not look like real people or things.
"Chimpanzees are on the endangered spices list." What does this mean?
It means that they will disappear soon.
What does unique mean?
It means very special; unusual.
Who is Jane Goodall?
She is a zoologist.
What was Prince William's dream?
His dream was to become a rescue pilot.
How did the modern prince have a normal life?
He ate at MacDonald's, went to amusement parks, and studied at a public school.
What does volunteer mean?
It means to offer services without pay.
What is the girl making for her science fair?
She is making a solar oven.
"to express strong approval"
"substances that make up a mixture"
"to make hot or warm"