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A 2.2 Revision L28

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the 7 ways/ things that can help you to recover?
a band-aid, pills, painkillers, nasal / nose drops, to gargle, ointment, antibiotics
explain the words UP TO YOU and BE UP TO give examples TRUE for you
UP TO YOU - you should decide, BE UP TO - be able to do smth
WHAT IS YOUR BREAKFAST MENU? Is it healthy or junk food?
21. WHICH SEAT ARE THERE ON THE AIRCRAFT? (e.g. There is …) Which one is your most favourite?
aisle seat, window seat, middle seat
NAME 12 horoscope signs (e.g. Aries) Which one are you?
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
NAME 10 kinds of SPORT (e.g. yoga) Which verb do you use with them DO / GO / PLAY ?
karate, chess, cycling, boxing, weightlifting in a gym, swimming, treadmill running, running / jogging, squash
NAME 7 types of COOKING EQUIPMENT (e.g. a frying pan)
a springform pan, a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a bowl, a spatula, a colander, a grater
chop, grind, preheat, grease, add, whisk, mix, stir, sprinkle, pour
NAME 6 stages of RELATIONSHIPS (e.g. go Dutch)
to have a crush on someone, to break up, to go out, to get on well, to fall in love, to make up with someone
NAME 10 HOBBIES e.g. watching TV, … Which one is your favorite?
fishing, singing, riding a horse, swimming, knitting, blogging, reading, playing computer games,dancing, playing football
NAME 10 words about APPEARANCE (e.g. bald)
slender, plump, tall, short, slim, with dark hair, full lips, oval eyes, pretty, handsome
NAME 10 JOBS (e.g. a business own)er Which one would you like to try?
chef, IT programmer, driver, teacher, builder, engineer,nurse, farmer, surgeon, seller
NAME 10 types of TRANSPORT ( e.g. a bicycle) Which one is the most exciting /convenient for you?
bus, car, boat, trolleybus, tram, lorry, plane, segway, motorbike, trian
NAME 10 types of FILMS (e.g. a documentary, .. ) Which one is your favorite?
action films. comedies. romantic films. rom-coms. adventure films. musicals. dramas.sci-fi. horror. western
Say 3 forms of the verbs: GROW, EAT, FIND, STEAL, TEACH, BEGIN
Say 3 forms of the verbs: TAKE, SLEEP, FLY, DO PLAY,BUY
Say 3 forms of the verbs: SEE, DRINK, SAY, FORGET, HEAR, TALK