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2nd Grade Review of the year

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This is what our class won.
The reading challenge!
The activity that we did most often (not talking about the daily reflection) was this.
Article a Day
Each day you would earn points. The point categories were kindness, flexibility, effort and __________.
Growth mindset
This is what Mrs. Foskett wants all of her 2nd graders to know.
How proud I am of you and how thankful I am that I got to be your teacher.
This is the series that was the most popular in our class-hint it has to do with animals.
Who would Win
This is the name of the guy who does the Mystery Science videos.
What animal did James want to have at the beginning of the year? We read about it and you gave us advice on if it would be a good pet.
What is different about the drink that the BFG drinks?
The fizz goes down instead of up!
What item was referred to as a Frindle?
a pen
What country was Ranger in in the book about the battle in the colosseum?
What toy did the mouse like to play with in the chapter book that we read?
A motorcycle!
What did Mrs. Foskett's dog step in that turned her paw blue?
What did Mrs. Foskett award the entire class with when something great happened in class.
One second party!
Where was the first in person gathering with the class?
Big Rock Park
Where did kids come to take their FAST tests?
The vault
What instrument did Drew play most of the time he was with us?
What did Grant teach us about when he joined our Google Meet?
Venus Fly Traps
What was the best thing to use points for?
No Seesaw day!
This person loved gymnastics.
This classmate loves planes and cars!
This classmate has an older brother brother and a younger brother. He loves Fortnite and teacup puppies.
Who showed us the cutest baby goat?
This person loves to play and talk about Minecraft.
Who is an awesome crafter from our class?
Which classmate LOVES their stuffed animals?
Who loves parkour?
Which country is Jatin currently in?
Which classmate loves frogs?
What activity did we do before Christmas break that involved lots of frosting?
Gingerbread houses!
What did you hear Mrs. Foskett say in every Seesaw activity directions?
Mark it as a 1, 3, or 5 and submit
What color is James' hair?