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May Review 2021
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How many more days of school do we have left?
What was the title of the BrainPOP movie that we watched this week? A) Depression B) Anger C) Mindfulness D) Eating Disorders
C) Mindfulness
What do plant's leaves have that allows it to catch the light energy and use it to make food? A) Chloroform B) Cellulose C) Chlorophyll D) Ch
C) Chlorophyll
Plants need water, sunlight, and ___________ to make food.
Carbon Dioxide
What is the process called where plants turn light energy into energy they can use to grow?
The world's smallest mammal, a Bumblebee Bat, weighs about the same as a US ______. A) Penny B) Nickel C) Dime D) Quarter
C) Dime
All the paint on the Eiffel Tower weighs the same as ____ elephants. It gets repainted every seven years without closing to the public. A) 5 B) 7 C) 10 D) 13 E) 15
C) 10
Cats which have ______ eyes for the duration of their lives are likely to be deaf. A) Red B) Green C)Yellow D) Blue E) White
D) Blue
How do you write 1,045 in Roman Numerals? A) MXVL B) MXLV C) LMXLV D) XMLV
What was the title of yesterday's chapter reading? A) A Job at the Garden Center B) Working with Plants C) How Plants Work D) How Plants Make Food
D) How Plants Make Food
At which age is a person at the greatest risk of developing an eating disorder? A) teens B) 20s C) 30s D) 40s
A) teens
Like bulimia, BED often causes people to: A) Eat lots of food very quickly B) Purge after meals C) Exercise excessively D) Avoid eating a lot of food
A) Eat lots of food very quickly
What do the sun rays on the Arizona state flag represents? A) the number of cities B) the number of original colonies C) the number of great Idahoan leaders D) the number of years it took for Arizona to become a US state
B) the number of original colonies
Arizona was the ___th state to join the United States.
Which of the following states borders Idaho? A) Colorado B) Arizona C) Nebraska D) Wyoming
D) Wyoming
What region of the United States is Idaho located? A) West B) Northwest C) Southwest D) South
B) Northwest
A person who is bulimic is most likely to: A) starve themselves B) throw up C) binge and purge D) Exercise excessively
C) binge and purge
Compared to sadness, depression: A) is more common B) lasts longer C) has fewer symptoms D) is easier to recognize
B) lasts longer
How do you write 123 in Roman numerals? A) CXXIII B) CXIXIII C) DXXIII D) LXXIII
Which US state would you visit if you want to see a moose? A) New York B) Maine C) Arizona D) Texas
B) Maine
What is the capital of Idaho? A) Phoenix B) Bismarck C) Boise D) Salem
C) Boise
Who said the following quote: "If you want to fly give up everything that weighs you down."?
What is the following Roman numeral: CMXCIX