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What is Astronaut?
a person trained by human space flight program
Who is the first human in space?
Soviet Yuri Gagarin
Who is Laika?
The first living creature in the space.
Who is John Glenn?
Oldest person who flew in the space
What is meteoroid?
Its is a small piece of rock and metal. They are the part of asteroid.
What is Asteroid?
A huge piece of rock and metal in space.
Oort cloud is beyond the orbit of ___.
What is comet?
Comet is small heavenly body and consist of mainly dust, ice & some small gritty particle.
When the meteoroid enters the Earth Atmosphere then it is said to be ___.
What is the hottest planet?
What are the 8 planets in the solar system?
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune
How many moons does the Neptune have?
14 moons
True or False: Jupiter, Earth, Mars and Saturn are the outer planets.
What is the name of largest volcano in the solar system?
Olympus Mons
It take how many day for the moon to make a complete circuit around the Earth?
29.5 days
What phase of the moon is in the picture?
waxing crescent
What phase of the moon is in the picture?
waning gibbous
True or False: you need to watch or listen a news about the weather forecast.
What you need to store during a weather disturbance?
foods, drinking water, candle, medicine
How to be safe during a bad weather?
stay at home
Huracan means
big wind
Give one example of weather disturbance.
tornado, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane...
PAGASA means
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
What kind of clouds is in the picture?
cumulus clouds
What is the meaning of stratus?
What are the four kinds of clouds
cirrus, cumulus, stratus, nimbus clouds