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Daily Routine Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does he do in the morning?
He has breakfast in the morning.
What do you do at night?
I do homework / go to bed / play games / watch TV
The children ___________ school in the afternoon.
What does he do?
He has a bath
What do they do in the evening? ________ _________ ______ in the evening.
They watch TV
He _______ an exam.
They children _________ a math lesson.
What do you do in the morning?
wake up / have a shower / have breakfast / go to school / etc.
What do they do? _________ __________ games.
They play games.
He _______ a break.
They _________ a snack.
What does she do at night?
She goes to bed / She sleeps.
What does he do? He _______ _______ _________ .
listens to music
What does he do in the morning?
He wakes up.
He ________ his homework.
Put the sentence in order: brush / their / . / teeth / children / the /
The children brush their teeth.
In the morning he ________ a shower.
In the morning the children _________ to school.
Complete the sentence: They _______ their teeth.