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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ta oli ampsu vÔtmas.
He was about to take a bite.
kaasa tundma
feel sorry
in hospital
millelegi otsa jooksma
run into something
kÔige kÔrgem kolmest pilvelÔhkujast
the tallest of the three skyscrapers
Ma ei tea, kas ma saan hakkama.
I don't know if I can make it.
interneti teel broneerima
book online
sissepÀÀs muuseumisse
the entrance to the museum
osariikide arv
the number of states
vanal ajal
in the olden days
Millal ta sĂŒndis?
When was he born?
aastal 2026
in twenty twenty-six
kukkuma (3 pÔhivormi)
fall, fell, fallen
23. novembril
on the 23rd of November
Oletus on Ôige.
The guess is right.
Ta vaevu rÀÀgib prantsuse keelt.
He hardly speaks French
viisakad Ôpilased
polite students
pikad lokkis pruunid juuksed
long curly brown hair
keskmist kasvu
of medium height
tedretÀpiline nÀgu
a freckled face
kuulus vanalinna poolest
famous for its Old Town
Kunagi ei lÀhe pimedaks.
It never gets dark.
LÀÀnemere kaldal
on the coast of the Baltic Sea