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3rd grade EXAM guide.... May 2021.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Word in English for "vacío"
Word in English for "charcos"
Word in English for "confundido"
Word in English for "pensamientos"
Word in English for "pastillas"
Word in English for "arcoiris"
Tell the sentence using POSSESSIVE NOUN: This school belongs to my cousins.
My cousins´ school.
Tell the sentence using POSSESSIVE NOUN: The garden belongs to my mom.
My mom's garden
Tell the sentence using POSSESSIVE NOUN: This backpack belongs to Heidi
This is Heidi's backpack.
Mention the FUTURE PROGRESSIVE: They won't be staying for dessert.
won't be staying.
Mention the FUTURE PROGRESSIVE: Lucy will be traveling to Nicaragua this summer.
will be traveling
Mention the FUTURE PROGRESSIVE: I will be having fish for dinner.
will be having
Complete with "will" or "going to" : He _____ try his best.
Complete with "will" or "going to" : I am ______ tell a poem.
going to
Complete with "will" or "going to" : We are _______ bring cookies.
going to
Complete with "will" or "going to" : They_____ meet us at the park.
Answer "Me too" or "So do I": I am going to the beach tomorrow. _____________.
Me too
Answer "Me too" or "So do I": I love carrot cake! _____________.
So do I! / Me too! 
Write the missing conjunction (or-so-but-and): Do you want an ice cream____cake?
Write the missing conjunction (or-so-but-and): I feel very sick, ____ I am not going to school.
Write the missing conjunction (or-so-but-and): They like to go camping _____ surfing.
Does this sentence have a COMPOUND SUBJECT or COMPOUND PREDICATE?? : My best friend likes cooking and baking delicious food.
compound predicate (two predicates)-
Does this sentence have a COMPOUND SUBJECT or COMPOUND PREDICATE?? : My brother and my sister practice soccer in the afternoon.
compound subject (two subjects)
Mention the PREDICATE: My cat is adorable.
is adorable.
Mention the SUBJECT: My cat is adorable.
My cat
Write the PLURAL of this form: baby
Write the PLURAL of this form: cuff
Write the PLURAL of this form: wolf
Write the PLURAL of this form: dress
Write the PLURAL of this form: brush
Write the PLURAL of this form: hat
Mention the PERSON: a)mother b)cellphone c)bee
Mention the thing: a)doctor b)library c)pencil
c) pencil
Mention the animal: a)dress b)pizza c)cat
Mention the PLACE: a) museum b)cow c)policeman