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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That's the garage where I left my car last week. REPAIRED That's where I went ........................................ last week.
to get / have my car repaired
The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. SUCH It ........................................ meal in the restaurant.
was such a nice
I don't care what you do. CONCERNED As ........................................ you can do what you like.
far as I am concerned
Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today? GETTING Did you ........................................ in contact with the boss today?
succeed in getting
Because it snowed heavily during the night the motorway is closed. DUE The motorway is closed ........................................ that there was heavy snow the night before.
due to the fact
6) The police are interviewing the suspects. INTERVIEWED The suspects ..................................... by the police.
are being interviewed
I regret taking up smoking. WISH I ..................................... up smoking.
wish I hadn't taken / wish I had not taken
Being rude is inexcusable. EXCUSE There is ............................. rude.
no excuse for being
Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. SPITE We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.
in spite of
The school I studied at last year was better than this one. GOOD This school ................... my last one.
isn't as good as / is not as good as / 's not as good as
A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town. DRIVEN We ..................................... a very friendly taxi driver.
'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her. SUGGESTED He .................................. for dinner at the weekend.
suggested coming over / suggested that she came over / suggested she come over / suggested that she come over
I only though Peter's reaction was appropriate because we are best friends. - IF - Peter's reaction would have been ________ best friends.
Peter's reaction would have been inappropriate if we weren't best friends.
Maria had to promise to come home before midnight if she wanted to go to the party. - SHE- Maria wasn't allowed to go to the party ________ home before midnight.
Maria wasn't allowed to go to the party unless she promised to be home before midnight.
The star player's injury at half-time is what caused us to lose the match. - WOULD - We _____ if our star player hadn't been injured at half-time.
We would have won if our star player hadn't been injured at half-time.
My parent never allow me to go on holiday by myself - LET - My parents _____________ holiday by myself.
My parents never let me go on holiday by myself.
“I’ll be early” I said to my mother. (promise)
I promised my mom to be early.
I’m sorry I forgot your birthday” said Amanda to me. (apologise)
Amanda apologised for forgetting my birthday.
I’ll make the coffee!” said David. (insist)
David insisted on making the coffee.
Don’t cross the road there” she said to the children. (warn)
She warned the children not to cross the road there.
It’s a great idea to go to the beach” said Maria. (recommend)
Maria recommended going to the beach.
You should apply for the job” said Jack to Stella. (encourage)
Jack encouraged Stella to apply for the job.
Anna: What time did you get home last night? --> Reported WH-Question! Remember the order of the S+V!
Anna asked me what time I had gotten home the night before.
Sam: How much is the rent on your flat? --> Reported WH-Question! Remember the order of the S+V!
Sam asked me how much the rent of my flat was.
Alice: Who is the woman in the red dress? --> reported WH-Question, remember the order of the S and V!
Alice asked (me) who the woman in the red dress was.
‘You left the kitchen in a horrible mess!’ Alice said to Rollo. - ACCUSED - Alice __________ the kitchen in a horrible mess.
Alice accused Rollo of leaving the kitchen in a horrible mess.
I think you should go on a cookery course this summer. - WERE - If ____________ go on a cookery course this summer.
If I were you, I'd go on a cookery course this summer.
Steffie feels sad that she didn’t learn how to cook when she was at school. - REGRETS- Steffie __________ how to cook when she was at school.
Steffie regrets not learning how to cook when she was at school.
I have heard people say that the new restaurant is really good. - BEEN - It ________ that the new restaurant is really good.
It has been said that the new restaurant is really good.
They were still preparing the food while the guests were arriving. - BEING - While the guests were arriving, __________ prepared.
While the guests were arriving, the food was still being prepared.
I haven’t made fresh spaghetti before. - FIRST - This is ___________ made fresh spaghetti.
This is the first time I've made fresh spaghetti.