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Things you could do with a ball.
Roll it, throw it, kick it, catch it
Things you might see in a tree
tree house, nest, squirrel, pinecone
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day
Things that can be chocolate
ice cream, cake, candy, milk
Things that are fluffy
rabbit, pillow, stuffed animals, kitten
pizza toppings
pepperoni, pineapple, peppers, olives
Things you get at a bakery
donuts, bread, cakes, cookies
stormy weather
tornado, hurricane, thunderstorm, blizzard
Things that break
windows, glasses, dishes, hearts
Things people put on a burger
ketchup, onions, pickles, cheese
Things you keep in the refrigerator
milk, leftovers, ketchup, juice
Sticky things
honey, syrup, glue, marshmallows
Fishing equipment
pole, bobber, net, worms/bait/lures
Things you put water in
water bottle, cup, pool, watering can
Things doctors and nurses use
stethoscope, thermometer, blood pressure cuff, syringe
Things people read
books, newspapers, mail, signs
Winter outdoor clothing
mittens, hat, jacket, scarf
kinds of juice
orange, apple, cranberry, pineapple
Things in nature you don't want to land on you
bee, mosquito, spider, bird poop
Yard or garden tools
rake, hoe, shovel, spade
Things you take with you on a sleepover
sleeping bag, pajamas, toothbrush, teddy bear
Things that are blue
blueberries, sky, ocean, jeans
Things that are red
tomatoes, blood, fire trucks, Clifford
Things that are white
polar bear, snow, milk, toilet paper
Things that are yellow
sun, lemons, banana peel, dandelions
Kinds of flowers
Daisy, tulip, rose, dandelion
Tricks people teach their dogs
fetch, shake, sit, play dead
Christmas TV specials
Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas
Toy Story characters
Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, Rex
Things you have to clean
dishes, bathroom, clothes, your hands
Ocean animals
Octopus, Shark, Whale, Jellyfish
Sesame Street characters
Elmo, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Big Bird
Board games for kids (games with dice or spinners, pieces to move on a game board)
Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble, Candyland
card games for kids
Uno, Go fish, War, Old Maid
Christopher Robbin's friends
Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Owl
Cartoon animal characters (not dogs) (specific names)
Tom/Jerry, Bugs bunny, Donald Duck, Winnie the Pooh
Cartoon dogs
Scooby, Snoopy, Clifford, Pluto
Game shows on tv
Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Family Feud, Price is Right
Kinds of candy bars
Reeses, Snickers, KitKat, Chocolate bar
Things you throw in the garbage
wrappers, rotten food, broken things, dirty diapers
phone, tablet, computer, tv