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Exam Unit 7 Review (4 ESO)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think a have a ____ because my body is itchy. I am going to use some ______.
rash / ointment
How is the ankle?
Pablo fell while he was playing football. Now he has a ________.
sprained ankle
I think I have the flu. I have a ______ throat and a h____.
sore throat and a headache
Laura has many things to do. She is _________ neck.
up to her neck
Translate: open your mouth and stick out your tongue.
Abre la boca y saca la lengua.
Translate: Tienes gripe. Voy a recetarte un medicamento. Tómatelo dos veces al día.
You have the flu. I'm going to give you some medicine. You should take it twice a day.
How do you say "to feel sick" in the USA?
To feel nauseous
She is going to ________
be sick
I have a pain on my _____ when I breathe.
How is she feeling?
What part of the body is this?
You ________ run here! It's very dangerous
You ___________ wear a uniform! It's the rule.
You _______ do some exercise, it's good for you.
You _______ clean this up! It's an order!
have to
You _______ use your phone here. It's a library.
________ I go to the toilet?
can / may
You ___________ bring the books if you don't want to. It's optional
don't have to
You_______ do your homework if you want better grades... that's what I would do.
You _______ eat fruits and vegetables. That's my recommendation
You ________talk. We're in class.
mustn't /
You _______ bake a cake if you don't want to.
don't have to
It's possible for anyone to break into this house! Anybody .....
Anybody can / could break into this house!
Heather possibly hasn't left yet. Heather...
Heather might not have left yet.
You're not allowed to park here. You .........
You mustn't park here.
It was a mistake to park outside the police station. You ....
You shouldn't have parked outside the police station.
It would be a great idea if Harry took a holiday. Harry ....
Harry should take a holiday.
Maybe she was ill on Tuesday. SHE...
She might/may have been ill on Tuesday.
It's possible that Winston volunteered in the animal shelter, but I'm not sure. WINSTON...
Winston may/might have volunteered in the animal shelter, but I'm not sure.
It was wrong of George to get involved in the fight. GEORGE...
George shouldn't have got involved in the fight.
It's possible that Mary Anne broke the law when she entered the abandoned house. MARY ANNE...
Mary Anne might/may have broken the law when she entered the abandoned house.
It wasn't necessary for my mum to give the address to the foreigner. He found it himself. MY MUM...
My mum didn't need to have given the address to the foreigner. He found it himself.
Perhaps your dad went to the demonstration. YOUR DAD...
Your dad might/may have gone to the demonstration.
It wasn't necessary to go to the immigration office. They already had my record. I...
I didn't need to have gone to the immigration office. They already had my record.