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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Риби, вам точно доведеться пройти тест на початку червня!
Pices, you will certainly/definitely have to pass a test at the begining of June
Водолії, ви можете закохатися у колегу! Будьте обережні!
Aquarius, you might\may have a crush on your colleague! Be careful!
Козеріг, ви можете випадково зустріти старого друга на цьому тижні
Capricorns, you may/might run into an old friend this week
Стрільці, ви, можливо, скоро купите багато модного одягу. Не ходіть на шопінг, коли ви голодний!
Sagittarius, you will probably buy a lot if trendy clothes soon. Don't go shopping when you are hungry!
Cкорпіони, ваша теща (свекруха) може відвідати вас на наступних вихідних. Приготуйтеся!
Scorpio, your mother-in-law might/may visit you next weekend, get ready!
Терези, ви точно отримаєте бонус на роботі у кінці місяця!
Libra, you will definitely(certainly) get a bonus at work at the end of the month!
Virgo, you certainly won't to buy a Porsche Cayenne this year, but you might buy a Ford :)
Virgo, you certainly won't to (NO TO) buy a Porsche Cayenne this year, but you might buy a Ford :)
Leo, it's possible that you be proud of your results at work
Leo, it's possible that you WILL be proud of your results at work
Cancer, you certainly will go abroad this summer
Cancer, you will certainly go abroad this summer
Gemini, you very likely to pass the English test succesfully!
Gemini, you are very likely to pass the English test successfully!
Taurus, you might to need to revise the irregular verbs :)
Taurus, you might need to revise the irregular verbs :)
Aries, you defenetely pass your English test
Aries, you will definitely (!) pass your English test