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Algebra Skills 1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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six less than p
p - 6
6 - p
6 +p
the sum of 8 and t
8 + t
8 - t
The difference of 32 and x
32 - x
32 + x
The triple of a number "a" is __?
3 - a
3 + a
The sum of a number x, it´s double and it´s previous number is 20. Write the equation.
x + 2x + x -1 = 20
Twice of a number a is ___.
2 +a
¨less than¨ means
What does the sum of a number mean?
addition +
subtraction -
multiplication x
the previous number of y is _____.
y - 1
What is the next number of ¨x¨?
Simplify: 7e + 5 - e
6e + 5 or 5 + 6e
Solve: 3 - r = 10
r = -7
Solve: 6n - 7 = 11
n = 3
When f = 5, what is the value of 30 - 4f ?
Simplify: 5u - 9u
When m = 6, what is the value of 5m - 3?
Yasmin has £y. Greg has triple the amount Yasmin has. Write an expression for the amount of money Greg has.
£3y or 3y
Solve: 28 - f = 11
f = 17
Helen has k pencils. Chris has 8 fewer than Helen. Write an expression for the number of pencils Chris has.
k - 8
Solve: 8c = 48
c = 6
Solve: t + 7 = 23
t = 16
Simplify: 5k + 7k