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5/24 Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify which waves are least dangerous to humans -- a) ultraviolet, b) x-ray, c) visible light, d) radio
c) visible light & d) radio
Identify the visible light color with the highest frequency (shortest wave length).
Identify the visible light (color) with the lowest frequency (longest wave length).
Identify which waves are most dangerous to humans -- a) gamma, b) ultraviolet, c) visible light, d) radio
a) gamma & b) ultraviolet
Based on the image, which wave has the lowest frequency (longest wave length)?
Radio waves
Based on the image, which wave has the highest frequency (shortest wavelength)?
Gamma rays
The color of an object is due to the light wave being _______. (absorbed/reflected?)
You see a firetruck is painted red. What causes us to see the "red" color?
We see the color of light that is reflected off an object. All other colors are absorbed.
Real Life: what is an example of light refraction?
objects appearing broken in liquid, rainbows, optical illusions
Real Life: what is an example of light reflection?
Mirrors, sunlight off the ocean, bright snow
White light is being broken into visible light. What is this phenomenon called?
This is a light wave. Is it being refracted or reflected?
Which side of the seesaw has the greater force? Explain your thinking.
The left side is greater because it is not moving.
The man falls because the marbles _____ friction.
Based on the image, why is the hot air balloon rising?
The balloon has a stronger force moving up than gravity pulling down.
"Those apples are the cream of the crop" is an example of what type of figurative language?
Idiom -- expression with a different meaning
"She found the lost book after she came back from buying a replacement copy." is an example of what type of figurative language?
Irony -- the opposite of expectation
"The tea kettle screamed as it let out steam" is an example of what type of figurative language?
Personification -- human quality
"Holly held the hamster high in the sky." is an example of what type of figurative language?
Alliteration - "H" sound
"She's got more drama than the Keeping Up with the Kardashians." is an example of what type of figurative language?
Allusion -- reference something famous
"The tall man's feet were boats." is an example of what type of figurative language?
Metaphor -- comparing feet to boats
"The bread soaked up the sauce like a sponge." is an example of what type of figurative language?
Simile -- "like"
"I've been to school so many times, I could drive there with my eyes closed." is an example of what type of figurative language?
Hyperbole -- an exaggeration
A basketball player jumps up to dunk. The force of his jump is _______ than the force of gravity pulling him to Earth..
Based on the image, will the block move? If it will, what direction will it move in?
It will move left, 10 N > 5 N
Are these forces balanced or unbalanced? Explain your answer.
They are balanced. 10 N = 10 N
Ms. Walkuski pushes on a desk. It does not move. Which object has the greater force -- Ms. Walkuski, or the desk?
The desk because it doesn't move.
True or False: Balanced (equal) forces will keep objects in place.
True or False: Unbalanced (unequal) forces will make objects move.
Explain why the couple on the left will pull the couple on the right towards them (left).
The couple on the left has a greater force (500 N) than the right (450 N).